Interview Guidance

When you are invited to an interview, be confident that the hiring manager initially likes your profile enough to invite you to first stage. The interview process is really a way for the client to ensure you will fit into the company culture, the team and the role. They will want to get a feel for your personality, experience and potential. Below we have listed a few hints and tips below to help you.


Preparation is key!

Prepare, prepare, prepare. We can’t emphasise this enough. We will brief you thoroughly before your interview, but make sure you are clear on the following:

  • Where, when and with whom you are being interviewed?
  • The company, including culture and the role.
  • The clients they have and who their competitors are?
  • Whether it is a new position – if so, why? Or, if someone is leaving the position - why?
  • What your expectations for the role are?
  • Pre-match your skills to the role; this will give you the edge in the interview. Think about relevant examples of skill usage on projects you have completed. Think about the context the client company works in, what are the market trends, what insights, if any; can you bring to the table?
  • What you can bring to the company, why you want to work for them and what your career objectives are? Many will ask why you are leaving your current position so be prepared. Be positive, as negative answers do not generally go down well in an interview situation.
  • Think about any questions you may have about the company. Go beyond the usual and think about whether the information is freely available on their website.

The Interview:

Obviously dress appropriately for the interview. Even though some companies may have a dress down policy, it may not be appropriate for you to dress in this way. Check with your consultant, but as a general rule go for the smart option.

  • Use eye contact and shake hands with a firm, but not a knuckle-crushing, grip!
  • Try to remain calm and hold your hands still if you have a habit of fidgeting when nervous.
  • Be concise and listen carefully to the interviewer.
  • Be enthusiastic about yourself, your experience and the position they are offering.
  • Ask questions but wait until the 2nd or 3rd interview to ask questions regarding the specific terms and conditions.

After the interview:

Feedback your thoughts on the company, the interview and the role, so that we can work quickly on your behalf. We can feedback your enthusiasm, or otherwise, about the role to the client to help the decision-making process. This process obviously runs both ways and we will inform you of any client feedback at the same time.
Points to consider if an offer is made:

  • If you don’t get an offer we will always provide good constructive feedback, to help you move forward with your next role.
  • Until you have received, signed and returned an offer letter and contract, don’t hand in your notice.
  • Clients will ask for references but we will not contact your employer until you have resigned from your existing role.
  • If you are counter offered by your existing employer, only you will know whether it is right to stay or go. However, think about why you wanted to leave in the first place. Please see our article on managing a counter offer.
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